It’s been a long while since I’ve posted here. Having finished a few commissions and personal pieces, my focus since February has been on stabilizing the health and well-being of our new rescue dog, Jake. We’re still working on managing his many allergies and today he is having his first professional grooming (my attempt was lame at best). Hoping to see a cooler less hairy and happier boy afterwards.😊
Dealing with our new furry addition, and my recent CEBV flare up has been exhausting. However, there’s nothing like warm temps, sunshine and growing things to infuse me with inspiration and untapped pockets of energy. Mounds of fresh dirt, mulch, stones and stuffed paper leaf bags were a constant on our driveway these past few weeks. Mounds of smelly muscle rubs, pain relievers and fluids were a constant on my surprisingly aging body. The combination externally and internally was a success and resulted in much needed weeding, and reorganization of garden space.
Yesterday, I decided to branch out from both painting and gardening to try my hand at something different - concrete birdbaths. Yup- those seemingly small bags of concrete mix are deceptively light looking-until you put one inside the shopping cart….man I was sure I had muscled up from gardening……not! Oh well, managing to maneuver them to the back patio I’ve started making two baths from the huge rhubarb plant out front. I’m using two different types of cement mixes (from two different YouTube videos- thank you, YouTube 😉) and will post the final results in my next post.
I hope that you are enjoying your summer so far and staying COVID-19 safe!